Welcome to my gallery! Here you’ll find a collection of images from my life, including memorable moments and photos I’ve taken. I’ll continue to add more images as I capture new experiences and milestones along my journey.
ACM Compass 2024 @IIIT_Delhi
<p>Attending ACM Compass with the Lab</p>
<img src="images/gallery/ACM_Compass1.jpg" alt="ACM Compass inside Conference Hall">
<p>ACM Compass - infront of conference hall</p>
<img src="images/gallery/IIITD1.jpg" alt="Near IIITD gate">
<p>Inside IIIT Delhi Campus</p>
Mtech Convocation 2024
<img src="images/gallery/convocation2.jpg" alt="Awarded the MTech">
<p>Awarded the MTech in Computer Science and Engineering at IITGN convocation June 2024</p>
<img src="images/gallery/convocation.jpg" alt="Outside IITGN Convocation Hall 2024">
<p>Outside IITGN Convocation Hall June 2024</p>
<img src="images/gallery/convocation3.jpg" alt="Outside IITGN Convocation Hall 2024">
<p>Outside IITGN Convocation Hall with my family</p>
Mtech Thesis Defense 2024
<img src="images/gallery/MtechThesisDefense.jpg" alt="2024 June Mtech defense">
<p>Suraj and I celebrating the successful defense of our MTech thesis</p>
<img src="images/gallery/MtechThesisDefense3.jpg" alt="2024 June Mtech defense">
<p>Celebrating the successful defense of our MTech thesis</p>